BuBOL MySQL v3.x Table Schema

Table names with a red background are still preliminary/tenative tables planned for future versions and are not in used in the current version of this schema. They are simply here for future reference. Column definitions are given in terms of MySQL data types and syntax.

Warning: Tables with red header backgrounds are inactive and subject to change at anytime without notice. Please do not code against them.

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access_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY A unique key to differentiate between records in this table.
forum_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL This is a foreign key which maps to a forum in the xbb_forum table. This way one access record is assigned to one group record per forum.
group_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL This is a foreign key which maps to a group in the xbb_groups table. This way one access record is assigned to one group record per forum.
perm_close TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not the group can open and close threads in the forum.
perm_copy TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not the group can copy threads from the forum.
perm_delete TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not the group can delete other people's replies in the forum.
perm_edit TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not the group can edit other people's replies and threads in the forum.
perm_ip TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not the group can view the IP addresses for posters in threads and replies in the forum.
perm_move TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not the group can move threads from the forum.
perm_news TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not the group can post new threads as a news thread in the forum.
perm_post TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not the group can post new threads in the forum.
perm_read TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not the group can read the contents of threads in the forum.
perm_remove TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not the group can remove other people's entire threads in the forum.
perm_reply TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not the group can post replies to existing threads in the forum.
perm_stick TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not the group can change a thread's 'stickiness' in the forum.
perm_view TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not the group can view the listing of threads in the forum.

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announcement_always_valid TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not the announcment never expires.
announcement_author_id INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL The member_id of the announcement poster. This is a foreign key which maps to a member in the xbb_member table.
announcement_body TEXT NOT NULL This is the body text of the announcment.
announcement_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY A unique key to differentiate between records in this table.
announcement_ip VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL The IP address of the announcment author.
announcement_show_bbml TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not BBML should be enabled for this message.
announcement_show_emoticons TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not emoticons should be shown for this message.
announcement_show_sigs TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not signatures should be shown for this message.
announcement_subject VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL This is the subject text of the message.
announcement_timestamp INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL This is the GMT UNIX timestamp when the message was posted.
announcement_valid_from INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL This is the GMT UNIX timestamp at which the message should start showing in its given forum(s).
announcement_valid_to INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL This is the GMT UNIX timestamp at which the message should stop showing in its given forum(s).
announcement_views INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL This is the number of times the message has been viewed.

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avatar_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY A unique key to differentiate between records in this table.
avatar_path VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL The path to the avatar image, either relative to local webserver or a URL.
avatar_title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL The title/description/name of the avatar image.
avatar_type TINYINT(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL A numeric code representing the type of avatar: local, remote, uploaded, etc. (TBD)

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ban_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY A unique key to differentiate between records in this table.
ban_timestamp INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL The GMT UNIX timestamp when the ban was created or updated.
ban_type TINYINT(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL A numeric code representing the type of ban it is. 0 = IP ban, 1 = email ban.
ban_value VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL The value to use to ban based on the ban_type (an email address, an IP).

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buddy_about VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL An optional description of this entry on the buddy list.
buddy_allow_msg TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not this member on this buddy list can private message the owner of the list.
buddy_contact INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL The member_id of this entry on the buddy list. This is a foreign key which maps to a member in the xbb_member table.
buddy_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY A unique key to differentiate between records in this table.
buddy_owner INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL The member_id of the buddy list owner. This is a foreign key which maps to a member in the xbb_member table.

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category_about VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL A description of the category.
category_allow_collapse TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not this category can be hidden in the HTML display.
category_default_view TINYINT(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL This is a numeric code that translates to the default apperance of the category in the HTML. 0 = expanded, 1 = collapsed.
category_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY A unique key to differentiate between records in this table.
category_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL The name of the category.
category_order INT(10) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL The ordering number to change its position in the category listings.
category_show_bbml TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not BBML should be parsed for in messages in this category.
category_show_emoticons TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not emoticons should be parsed for in messages in this category.
category_show_sigs TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not signatures should be attached to messages in this category.
category_total_forums INT(10) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL The total count of forums in this category.

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config_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY The configuration parameter name.
config_value TEXT NOT NULL The configuration parameter value.

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emoticon_about VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL A description of the emoticon.
emoticon_path VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL The path to the emoticon.
emoticon_text VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY The text to replace with the emoticon image.

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faq_answer TEXT NOT NULL The answer text component of a FAQ entry.
faq_category_id INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL This is a foreign key which maps to a category record in the xbb_faq_category table. This is the category to which the FAQ entry belongs to.
faq_creation_timestamp INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL A GMT UNIX timestamp from the time the FAQ entry was created.
faq_entry_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY A unique key to differentiate between records in this table.
faq_order INT(10) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL The ordering number to change its position in its parent category listings.
faq_question TEXT NOT NULL The question text component of a FAQ entry.
faq_update_timestamp INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL A GMT UNIX timestamp from the time the FAQ entry was last updated.
faq_views INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL This is the number of times the FAQ entry has been viewed.

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category_id INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL This is a foreign key which maps to a category record in the xbb_category table. This is the category to which the forum belongs to.
forum_about VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL A description of the forum.
forum_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY A unique key to differentiate between records in this table.
forum_inc_count TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not any posts made in this forum should increment the posting member's post count.
forum_intro_text TEXT NOT NULL An introduction message or rules for the current forum.
forum_latest_member_id INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL This is a foreign key which maps to a member id in a member record in the xbb_member table. This is the member_id of the member who made the last post/update in the forum.
forum_latest_post_date INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL A GMT UNIX timestamp from the last message posted to the forum.
forum_latest_post_id INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL This is a foreign key which maps to a post record in the xbb_posts table. This is the id of the latest post in this forum.
forum_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL This is the name of the forum.
forum_order INT(10) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL The ordering number to change its position in its parent category listings.
forum_show_bbml TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not BBML should be parsed for in messages in this forum.
forum_show_emoticons TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not emoticons should be parsed for in messages in this forum.
forum_show_sigs TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not signatures should be attached for messages in this forum.
forum_status TINYINT(4) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL This is an numeric value that represents the forum status: currently 0 = disabled/locked, 1 = normal/open. Left open ended for future statuses (statusii? ;-) ).
forum_total_replies INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL The total count of replies in this forum.
forum_total_threads INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL The total count of threads in this forum.

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group_about VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL A description of the group.
group_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY Just a unique key to differentiate between records in this table.
group_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL The name of the group.

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ignore_about VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL An optional description of this entry on the ignore list.
ignore_allow_pm TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not this member on this ignore list can private message the owner of the list.
ignore_contact INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL The member_id of this entry on the ignore list. This is a foreign key which maps to a member in the xbb_member table.
ignore_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY Just a unique key to differentiate between records in this table.
ignore_owner INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL The member_id of the ignore list owner. This is a foreign key which maps to a member in the xbb_member table.

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announcement_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL Foreign key to an entry in the xbb_announce table. This allows a many to many relationship between announcements and forums.
forum_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL Foreign key to an entry in the xbb_forum table.

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group_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL Foreign key to an entry in the xbb_groups table. This allows a many to many relationship between groups and member.
member_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL Foreign key to an entry in the xbb_member table.

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member_aim VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL The member's AOL Instant Messenger screen name.
member_avatar_id INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL This is a foreign key which maps to an avatar record in the xbb_avatars table. This is the avatar id of the avatar the member is currently using.
member_birthday INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL The GMT UNIX timestamp of the member's birthday
member_dateformat VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT 'n/j/Y g:i:s A' NOT NULL An argument to the PHP date function for the format the member wants to see all bulletin board dates displayed in.
member_email VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL The member's email address.
member_enabled TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL True or false for whether or not this particular account is enabled/active.
member_failed_login_count TINYINT(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL The number of failed logins for this particular account.
member_failed_login_date INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL The GMT UNIX timestamp of the member's last failed login attempt.
member_homepage VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL The URL to the member's home page.
member_icq VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL The member's ICQ UIN number.
member_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY Just a unique key to differentiate between records in this table.
member_interests VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL The member's listing of personal interests in real life.
member_ip VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL The IP address of the member at the time of registration (used for flood protection).
member_join_date INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL The GMT UNIX timestamp when the member registered this account.
member_language VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL The default language to display messages in.
member_last_visit INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL The GMT UNIX timestamp when the member last visited/participated in the bulletin board..
member_location VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL The member's geographic location.
member_login VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL The member login/username for this account.
member_msnm VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL The member's MSN Messenger screen name.
member_occupation VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL The member's real life occupation, profession, job, etc.
member_password VARCHAR(48) NOT NULL The member's password, stored as an MD5 encrypted hash.
member_posts INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL The number of counted public posts made by the member.
member_rank_id INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL This is a foreign key which maps to a rank record in the xbb_rank table. This is the rank id for the rank which the member has achieved.
member_screenname VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL The member's bulletin board screen name. If not blank, this is always displayed on the bulletin board instead of the member_login.
member_sig TEXT NOT NULL The member's signature optionally attached to each post.
member_template VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL The default board template to display with.
member_timezone TINYINT(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL The +/- hours offset from GMT.
member_title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL The member's title to appear on their posts.
member_yim VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL The member's Yahoo Instant Messenger screen name.
opt_allow_pm TINYINT(1) NOT NULL True or false for whether or not the member will be able to send/receive private messages.
opt_always_attach_sig TINYINT(1) NOT NULL True or false for whether or not the member will always attach its signature to posts.
opt_email_pm TINYINT(1) NOT NULL True or false for whether or not the member wants to receive an email notice for every new private message.
opt_invis_mode TINYINT(1) NOT NULL True or false for whether or not the member wants to show up in the list of active users.
opt_show_bbml TINYINT(1) NOT NULL True or false for whether or not the member wants to see BBML in posts.
opt_show_email TINYINT(1) NOT NULL True or false for whether or not to publically display the member's email address throughout the bulletin board.
opt_show_emoticons TINYINT(1) NOT NULL True or false for whether or not the member wants to see emoticons in posts.
opt_show_profile TINYINT(1) NOT NULL True or false for whether or not to publically display the member's profile throughout the bulletin board.
opt_show_sigs TINYINT(1) NOT NULL True or false for whether or not the member wants to see other members' signatures in posts.

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forum_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL This is a foreign key which maps to a forum in the xbb_forum table. This way one moderator record is assigned to one group record per forum.
member_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL This is a foreign key which maps to a member in the xbb_member table. This way one moderator record is assigned to one member record per forum.
mod_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY A unique key to differentiate between records in this table.
perm_close TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not the group can open and close threads in the forum.
perm_copy TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not the group can copy threads from the forum.
perm_delete TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not the group can delete other people's replies in the forum.
perm_edit TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not the group can edit other people's replies and threads in the forum.
perm_ip TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not the group can view the IP addresses for posters in threads and replies in the forum.
perm_move TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not the group can move threads from the forum.
perm_news TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not the group can post new threads as a news thread in the forum.
perm_stick TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not the group can change a thread's 'stickiness' in the forum.

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post_author_id INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL This is a foreign key that maps to a record in the xbb_member table. This is the member that created this post.
post_body TEXT NOT NULL The body text of the post message.
post_edit_count SMALLINT(4) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL The number of times the post has been edited.
post_edit_timestamp INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL The GMT UNIX timestamp of the last post edit.
post_icon TINYINT(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL This is a numeric code that translates to the message's graphical icon.
post_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY A unique key to differentiate between records in this table.
post_in_reply_to_id INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL The id of the immediate parent post of this particular post.
post_ip VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL The IP address of the post_author.
post_show_bbml TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is true or false for whether or not BBML should be parsed in this post.
post_show_emoticons TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is true or false for whether or not emoticons should be parsed in this post.
post_show_sigs TINYINT(1) NOT NULL This is true or false for whether or not the post_author's signature should be attached.
post_subject VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL The post subject line.
post_timestamp INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL The GMT UNIX timestamp when the post was created.
thread_id INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL This is a foreign key that maps to a record in the xbb_threads table. This is the thread to which the post belongs.

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posticon_about VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL A description of the post icon
posticon_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY A unique key to differentiate between records in this table.
posticon_path VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL The path to the post icon

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pm_author_id INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL This is a foreign key which maps to a member in the xbb_member table. This is the pm author/sent from.
pm_body TEXT NOT NULL This is the body text of the pm.
pm_folder_id INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL This is a foreign key which maps to the folder the pm is stored in in the xbb_privatemsg_folder table. This is the folder the pm is stored in.
pm_icon TINYINT(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL This is an integer code which translates to the message icon.
pm_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY A unique key to differentiate between records in this table.
pm_ip VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL This is the IP address of the pm sender.
pm_multi_recipients TEXT NOT NULL This is the serialized list of multiple PM recipients (for sent items).
pm_recipient_id INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL This is a foreign key which maps to a member in the xbb_member table. This is the pm recipient/sent to.
pm_show_bbml TINYINT(1) NOT NULL True or false for whether or not the sender wants to show BBML in the message.
pm_show_emoticons TINYINT(1) NOT NULL True or false for whether or not the sender wants to show emoticons in the message.
pm_show_sigs TINYINT(1) NOT NULL True or false for whether or not the sender wants to show signatures in the message.
pm_status TINYINT(4) NOT NULL This is an integer code which translates to the status of the pm. 0 = not read, 1 = read, 2 = replied to, 3 = forwarded.
pm_subject VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL This is the subject line of the pm.
pm_timestamp INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL This is the GMT UNIX timestamp when the pm was sent.

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folder_creation_timestamp INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL A GMT UNIX timestamp from the time the folder object was created.
folder_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY A unique key to differentiate between records in this table.
folder_member_id INT(10) DEFAULT '-1' NOT NULL This is a foreign key which maps to a member in the xbb_member table. This is the folder owner. -1 means a public folder
folder_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL The name of the folder.
folder_update_timestamp INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL A GMT UNIX timestamp from the time the folder object was last updated.

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rank_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY A unique key to differentiate between records in this table.
rank_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL The name of the rank that is displayed.
rank_posts INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL The minimum number of posts to get this rank record.

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session_data TEXT NOT NULL All of the data stored in the corresponding session.
session_expiry INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL This is the GMT UNIX timestamp for when the session expires.
session_hash CHAR(32) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY The unique identifier for the current session.

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forum_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL This is a foreign key that maps to a forum record in the xbb_forum table. This is the forum being subscribed to.
member_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL This is a foreign key that maps to a member record in the xbb_member table. This is the owner of this particular subscription.
notify TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not the subscription owner wants to receive an email notification on new posts to the subscribed forum.
sub_forum_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY A unique key to differentiate between records in this table.
sub_timestamp INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL This is the GMT UNIX timestamp for when the subscription was created.

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member_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL This is a foreign key that maps to a member record in the xbb_member table. This is the owner of this particular subscription.
notify TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not the subscription owner wants to receive an email notification on new posts to the subscribed thread.
sub_thread_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY A unique key to differentiate between records in this table.
sub_timestamp INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL This is the GMT UNIX timestamp for when the subscription was created.
thread_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL This is a foreign key that maps to a thread record in the xbb_thread table. This is the thread being subscribed to.

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forum_id INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL This is a foreign key that maps to a forum record in the xbb_forums table. This is the forum to which this thread belongs to.
thread_first_post_id INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL This is a foreign key that maps to a post record in the xbb_posts table. This is the post_id of the first post in the thread.
thread_id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY A unique key to differentiate between records in this table.
thread_latest_member_id INT(10) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL This is a foreign key that maps to a member record in the xbb_member table. This is the member_id of the member who made the latest post/update.
thread_latest_post_date INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL This is the GMT UNIX timestamp of the latest post/update in the thread.
thread_latest_post_id INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL This is a foreign key that maps to a post record in the xbb_posts table. This is the post_id of the most recent post (or updated post) in the thread.
thread_status TINYINT(4) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL This is a numeric code that represents the thread's status. 0 = open, 1 = closed. Left open ended for future statuses.
thread_sticky TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL This is either true or false for whether or not the thread is sticky, which makes it sort above all other threads except news and announcements.
thread_total_replies INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL The number of replies that belong to this thread.
thread_views INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL This is the number of times the thread has been viewed.

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Generated by sqlschema2html.pl 0.1.0 on Sat Jul 23 23:07:45 CDT 2005